Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Graying of the Vietnam Generation --Soldiers' Letters for Sale on eBay

For several years, I've had an interest in postcards and letters written by soldiers during World War II. I wrote a book about WWII postcards a few years ago and continue to research them on eBay. In all my eBay searching over the past few years I've never seen letters from Vietnam. Now, that's changing.

Once a month or so I go to eBay and look for WWII letters and postcards. There are literally hundreds of them offered for sale, most of which probably came from estate sales as members of the "Greatest Generation" pass away. If you want to try it, go to eBay and search for "soldier postcard 1942" (or 1943, 1944, or 1945). You can also search for "v-mail" and see hundreds of letters written by soldiers.

The other day, I decided to search for letters written by soldiers serving in Vietnam. I've done that before and never found anything. Much to my surprise, this time I found five sets of letters written home from Vietnam (my search words were "letter soldier Vietnam). Some of the letters are from husband to wife and are fairly personal, which bothers me.

When I queried the sellers about the origin, they said the letters came from either estate sales or military memorabilia sales. It's further indication (as if I need it) that those of us from the Vietnam Generation aren't getting any younger.